The method of roller skate laces
Roller skate laces mainly include the ordinary shoelace method and the crisscross method.
According to the ordinary shoelace law:
1. After adjusting the length of both ends of the shoelace, pull out the shoelace from the inside to the outside;
2. The pulled out shoelace is inserted into the second hole from the outside to the inside;
3. The shoelace on the left is threaded out from under the shoelace between the two holes on the right, the same on the right;
4. Repeated operation;
5. Pay attention to the direction of the cross laces at both ends;
6. The excess laces are stuffed into the shoes and knotted.
Cross method:
1. Thread the shoelace head straight in from the bottom (gray part) and out from under each shoe hole.
2. Cross the shoelace heads, and then pass them through the other two shoe holes.
3. Repeat this process until the shoelace passes through the top two shoe holes.